Polite Ways to Follow-Up: A Guide to Effective Communication

Following up with your leads or prospects is an essential part of any business strategy. However, the art of following up requires a delicate balance between being assertive and respectful. This article will guide you through the process of crafting polite follow-up messages that should get you a response.

The Importance of Polite and Persistent Follow-Ups

In sales, it's often said that persistence is key. According to stats from Brevet, it may take up to five follow-up emails before you close a sale. Your leads are busy, and by following up politely, you show your commitment to finding a solution that meets their needs. Even if they don't become a customer right away, you've laid the groundwork for future interactions.

Crafting the Perfect Follow-Up Email

The Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing your recipient sees, and it can make all the difference in whether or not they open your email. Keep it concise, professional, and clear about the purpose of your follow-up email. Here are three examples:

  1. Following Up on [Product/Service]
  1. Checking In on [Previous Conversation]
  1. Opportunity to Discuss [Product/Service] Further

The Body

The body of your email should be direct but friendly. Start with a reminder of your previous interaction, add value by addressing their needs or concerns, and be specific about what you're offering. Most importantly, keep it brief.

The Call to Action (CTA)

The CTA is the action you want the recipient to take after reading your email. It should be clear and direct, making it easy for the prospect to take the next step. Here are three examples:

  1. "I’d love to schedule a call to discuss [Product/Service] further. Let me know if you have time next week."
  1. "I would appreciate it if you could reply to this email and let me know your thoughts."
  1. "If you're interested in learning more about [Product/Service], I would be happy to set up a meeting with you at your earliest convenience."

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When following up, avoid being too pushy or vague. Make sure to personalize your emails and acknowledge previous interactions. Avoid being negative or critical, and never resort to guilt-tripping your prospects.

Polite Follow-Up Email Samples

Here are three sample follow-up emails for different scenarios:

  1. Follow-up After the First Cold Email: Remind the prospect about your previous email and express your belief in how your product or service can benefit them.
  1. Follow-up After a Prospect Shows Interest: Express your excitement about their interest and offer to schedule a demo.
  1. Follow-up After Demo but No Response: Check in after a demo, offer assistance, and express your belief in your product or service.

Remember, the key to sales success is not giving up. Be persistent, polite, and confident that you have the solution the prospect is looking for. Now get up, follow up, and close those deals!